NEED to SELL Your House?
We Buy HOUSES IN Tennessee and GEORGIA Fast!

Get your hassle free Cash Offer for your home by submitting your information below.  

We Have an Easy 3 Step Process to Get Your FREE CASH OFFER!

1. Submit your Property info

Send us the address of your property that you want to sell, or give us a call today to tell us more about your house and how we can help your situation.

2. Answer questionnaire

We will email you a quick questionnaire about your property. Once complete, we will call you back with a range of what we can pay. From there, you can decide if you want to proceed and when you'd like us to come out to view the house.

3. Recieve your
Cash Offer

We will finalize the offer, You review the offer, and if it works for you and you're happy we will proceed with contract and closing. We also work to choose the best closing date that works for you.

Featured BENEFITS of Our Program

we Close quickly

We typically close within 7-21 Business days… which is an average 70% FASTER than the competition and MONTHS faster than the average sale through a Realtor.


  • We make all REPAIRS after we buy the house, so you do not have to make ANY repairs or even clean up! We purchase in any condition, as-is.

No Extra fees

 A cash offer closing means no worries about financing falling through in escrow! $0 comes out of your pocket.

What Our customers say

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Home Buyers in TN really helped me get out of a difficult situation by giving me a cash offer for my house. Things had got really hard for me, I could no longer afford the mortgage payment and I needed to sell FAST. Luckily, they gave me an offer within 48 hours that I was extremely happy with!

Melissa S. - Chattanooga, TN

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My mom recently passed away and I inherited her house. However, because I was located and lived in Florida, it would have been really difficult to maintain a house in Tennessee that had no use to me. After some thought, I decided to sell it to Home Buyers in TN and they gave me an instant offer that day!

Cynthia W. - Pensacola, FL

We Buy Properties In Any Condition – Find Out Below If Your Property Qualifies For Us To Make You An All Cash Offer Below…

Are you currently facing any of these situations?

  • Are You In Pre-Foreclosure or Are About To Be?
  • Do You Own Unwanted Rental Property?
  • Do You Have Frustrating Tenants (Or Family Members) That You Can’t Get Rid Of?
  • Do You Own A Vacant Property?
  • Did You Inherit An Unwanted Property?
  • Do You Need To Relocate Quickly And Need To Sell Your Current House Fast?
  • Do You Want To Avoid Paying Realtor Commissions?
  • Are You Going Through A Divorce?
  • Do You Own A “Fixer Upper” That You Can’t Afford To Fix Up Or Don’t Have Time To Fix Up?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, we can help!